What if we told you that the microbes in your mouth can double your risk of developing a stroke?
New studies have confirmed that harmful bacteria in the mouth can cause gum disease and make
you more prone to strokes.
This post will present the most relevant information on the relationship between oral bacteria, gum
disease, and stroke.
Also known as a cerebrovascular accident, a stroke is a typical medical emergency. According to the
Most strokes (87%) are caused by a blockage in the brain’s blood flow, typically due to a blood clot.
Even when not fatal, strokes can be very debilitating, leading to decreased mobility and quality of
life, particularly those over 65 years.
It is well-known that obesity, high blood pressure, smoking, and high cholesterol are vital risk factors
for stroke and heart disease.
Researchers have recently confirmed that having gum disease can double the odds of having a
Certain bacteria can lead to gum inflammation. This makes the gum tissues leakier, making it easier
for microbes and toxic products to enter the gums.
From there, they can reach the blood vessels in the gums and spread to distant organs, such as the
brain. These microbes can lead to inflammation and clotting in the brain arteries, contributing to
Two types of bacteria found in the mouth have been identified in the brain tissues: P. gingivalis and
Streptococcus species.
There is an easy way to assess the presence of harmful bacteria in your mouth. Saliva testing uses
the latest technology to define your risk for gum disease and stroke.
Order your saliva test online through OralGenetix and take charge of your oral and general health.