Is there a way a patient with limited mobility can have a dentist come to them? The answer finally, is “Yes”, and it is about time. It is definitely about time someone came out with an alternative way for patients with limitations can have a modern-day Mobile Dentist show up to their doorstep equipped and ready to provide premium dental healthcare. Everyone’s limitations are unique to their personal situation, but everyone cannot afford to waste time. Time wasted on calling the dental office to schedule an appointment, driving or making transportation arrangements, parking, walking into the office, checking in, waiting to be seen in a chair in the waiting room, and then repeating just about every step just to get back home or to the office.
Let’s take a look at how it all comes together. First, a patient downloads the Dentulu app. They will immediately be able to utilize the modern, secure, and HIPAA compliant platform to choose a Mobile Dentist in their area. They will select the time and location they would like the Mobile Dentist to show up, and this can be their home, office, or living facility. Next, a team of modern dental professionals, (Mobile dentists, dental hygienists, and dental assistants) will respond to their location. They will be equipped with two mobile dental bags equipped with everything they need, ranging from the dental chair, their electronic dental instruments, medication, to everything needed to clean up and leave your place sanitized prior to departure.