Why Every Household Needs MouthCAM: The Ultimate Patient Education Tool for Oral Health Maintaining good oral health is more than just brushing and flossing—it requires awareness, […]
Aiming to enhance the access to dental care, Dentulu has made significant strides with its mobile dentistry services. service known as mobile dentistry. Dentulu’s mobile dentists […]
There is no better time than the present for healthcare facilities to experiment and move towards remote treatment models. The impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has […]
Teledentistry, the latest flagship oral healthcare initiative of Dentulu, has two objectives. The first objective is to roll out comprehensive, patient-centric basic oral care. A citywide […]
Dentulu is committed to patient care in Los Angeles, regardless of where patients are located. Dentists in the Dentulu network treat and care for their patients […]
Rural oral care services in Los Angeles are not very encouraging. There is a clear divide between the rural and urban population regarding access to dental […]
The word ‘telemedicine’ was coined in the 1970s. Telemedicine is a form of improving the outcome of dental patients by using information and communication technology. Thus, […]