
Get started with your Dental Chart

Create your account on Dentulu

Create your account on Dentulu

The first step is to create an account with your basic information

Connect with a Dentist

Connect with a Dentist

Connect with a qualified dentist of your choice

Connect with a Dentist

Start accessing your dental chart

Now access your dental chart and start tracking your oral health progress

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Importance of tracking

Importance of tracking your oral health

The significance of monitoring oral health through a dental chart cannot be overstated. By keeping a detailed record of your dental history, appointments, and treatments, you can have a comprehensive overview of your oral health journey. This information can also assist your dentist in making informed decisions about your dental care and identifying any potential problems early on. Maintaining an accurate dental chart is a crucial step in taking control of your oral health and achieving a healthy, beautiful smile.

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How Dentulu benefits patients via dental charts?

Enhanced Patient Satisfaction

Enhanced Patient Satisfaction

By having easy access to their dental information and being actively involved in their oral health care, patients feel more in control and satisfied with their dental experience.

Comprehensive Overview

Comprehensive Overview

The chart provides a complete overview of appointments, treatments, health history, dental history, intraoral images, x-rays, notes, prescriptions, and communication between the dental provider and the patient.

Improved Communication

Improved Communication

The chart makes it easy for patients and dental providers to communicate and share information, leading to better treatment outcomes.

Better Treatment Planning

Better Treatment Planning

With access to detailed dental information, dentists can make informed decisions about the patient's treatment plan.

Increased Awareness

Increased Awareness

By regularly reviewing their dental chart, patients can become more aware of their oral health and take proactive steps to maintain it.

Improved Record Keeping

Improved Record Keeping

The chart keeps track of all dental appointments and treatments, providing an accurate and complete record of the patient's oral health history.

Timely Detection of Problems

Timely Detection of Problems

The chart makes it easier for dentists to detect problems early on and provide timely treatment.

Easy Access

Easy Access

Patients can access and view their dental chart anytime, anywhere, and on any device.

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A dental chart is an electronic or paper-based record of a patient's dental history, appointments, treatments, health information, and communication between the patient and the dental provider.

Patients can access their dental chart through a secure online portal provided by Dentulu mobile app or web portal. The chart can be accessed anytime, anywhere, and on any device.

A comprehensive dental chart includes appointments, treatments, health history, dental history, intraoral images, x-rays, notes, prescriptions, and communication between the patient and the dental provider.

It is recommended for patients to review their dental chart regularly to stay informed about their oral health and to ensure all information is up-to-date.

Patients can communicate with their dental provider through secure end to end messaging within the chart, making it easy to share information and ask questions.

Yes, with the patient's consent, dental charts can be shared with other healthcare providers to ensure coordinated and comprehensive care.

Yes, dental charts are designed to be secure and adhere to strict HIPAA standards to protect the confidentiality and security of patient information.

Some of the benefits of using a dental chart include easy access to comprehensive dental information, improved communication and treatment planning, increased awareness of oral health, timely detection of problems, and enhanced patient satisfaction.