
The advantages of subscription

Pricing Package

Online Prescriptions:

Get your prescriptions filled online without the need to visit the dentist in person.

Video Consultation

Video Consultation:

Have a virtual video consultation with a professional dentist from the comfort of your own home.

Photo Consultations

Photo Consultations:

Send pictures of your oral concerns to your dentist for a remote consultation and receive personalized advice.

Free Specialty Referrals

Free Specialty Referrals:

If you require specialized dental care, we can connect you with a trusted specialist in our network located near you.

Second Opinions

Second Opinions:

Seek an additional opinion from another dentist regarding any treatment plan you are considering.

Dentistry Smile Evaluations

Cosmetic Dentistry Smile Evaluations:

Receive a professional evaluation of your smile to explore cosmetic procedures that can enhance its appearance.

AI Assisted Second Opinions

Unlimited Free AI Assisted Second Opinions:

Obtain a second opinion from an AI Dentist on any dental questions or concerns you may have.

Oral Health Education

Oral Health Education:

Access a wide range of patient resources and educational videos to enhance your knowledge of oral health.

Dental Care Plan

Dentulu's Comprehensive Dental Care Plan

By subscribing to Dentulu's plan, you can enjoy the convenience of remote dental care, expert advice, and access to a network of dental professionals. We are committed to providing you with the highest quality dental services, including preventive measures and necessary dental treatments, and enhancing your overall oral health journey.

Face to Face Calls With a Live Dentist

Enjoy the convenience of virtual consultations with professional dentists from the comfort of your home. Through video calls and photo consultations, you can receive expert advice and guidance for your oral health concerns.

Pricing Package

Convenient e-Prescriptions

Get your dental prescriptions conveniently filled online, and sent to your preferred pharmacy, without the need for an in-person visit. Our seamless e-prescription service saves you time and hassle.

Our members say it best


The plan includes unlimited second opinions with teledentists, unlimited artificial assisted x-ray scans, unlimited online prescriptions, unlimited access to patient resources and educational videos, unlimited specialty referrals, unlimited photo consultations, 12 video consultations per year, and access to several services from third party dental vendors.

You can schedule virtual consultations through the Dentulu website or by contacting our team. Our experienced licensed dentists are available for consultations during regular office hours.

Virtual consultations typically last 30 minutes.

You will receive 12 virtual consultations per year with your subscription plan, at no extra charge to you!

No, But Dentulu includes a free MouthCAM with their patient yearly subscription plan.

You can have up to 12 virtual consultations per year as part of Dentulu's patient subscription plan.

Dentulu offers a variety of educational resources and videos to help patients learn about oral hygiene, dental procedures, and overall oral health. These resources are included in the patient subscription plan and can be accessed at any time.