Tooth Extraction FAQ

Frequently asked questions related to Tooth Extraction.

Tooth Extraction

What is a dry socket after tooth extraction?


Dry socket is a hole in the bone where the tooth has been removed. This condition can occur after the tooth extraction and is painful if left untreated. The blood clot at the site of extraction fails to develop, or it dislodges or dissolves before the wound healing process. Your dentist can offer treatments to get relief from the pain.

What happens to the abscess after tooth extraction?


After the tooth extraction, infection is generally cured automatically. If the infection / abscess is not curable, your dentist will drain / target the infected area in your mouth with the help of antibiotics.

What happens if bleeding doesn't stop after tooth extraction?


If the post-extraction bleeding is not managed properly, medical complications may arise ranging from soft tissue hematoma to severe blood loss. Consult your dentist if this happens.

What to expect after tooth extraction?


After the tooth extraction process is over, a patient may feel some discomfort in the extraction area. Swelling and residual bleeding are also common.

What can I eat after the tooth extraction procedure?


After the tooth extraction process, a patient should eat a soft diet such as oatmeal,yogurt, mashed potatoes, pancakes, scrambled eggs, apple sauce, ice cream and broth-based soups. Be careful not to eat food that is hot; make sure it's lukewarm or cold because if it's too hot, it will hurt where your tooth was extracted and might cause infection. Avoid spicy foods for several days following your procedure.

What can I drink after tooth extraction?


Most of the dentists would suggest the patients to drink plenty of water. Do not use a straw after a dental extraction for several days. Avoid consuming beverages that contain alcohol or citric acid for at least a week.

What is the best pain relief after tooth extraction?


Ibuprofen or Acetaminophen may be recommended by your dentist to get relief from the pain effectively.

What are the signs of infection after tooth extraction?


A patient may notice some signs of dental infection such as swelling, fever, pain, bad breath, unusual taste, pus formation, and bleeding. Contact a dentist if you are experiencing any of these symptoms following an extraction.

What can't you eat or drink after tooth extraction?


Avoid alcoholic beverages. You can avoid foods that are spicy, hard, crunchy, chewy, and brittle (ex: chips, nuts, and popcorn). Hard or chewy meat products should not be consumed for a few days or as recommended by your dentist.

What is the healing time for a tooth extraction?


Once the extraction process is done, your gums will begin to heal and close around the removal site in about 3 days. After a week, the opening in the extracted tooth should be closed completely. Tender or swollen gums would be healed automatically.

Why can't you drink alcohol after tooth extraction?


After the dental extraction process, a blood clot is formed in that site. Clotting of blood is very important to stop bacteria formation and cover the nerves. Consumption of alcohol prevents blood clot formation resulting in a dry socket condition. It will delay the recovery time and require additional follow up with your treating dentist.

How long does the pain last after tooth extraction?


The pain fades in the period of 24 to 72 hours following the surgery.

How long does a tooth extraction take?


A tooth extraction appointment can take anywhere between ten and thirty minutes. In some cases, it may increase upto several hours.

What are the side effects of removing a tooth?


Bleeding, swelling, tender mouth, moderate pain, and face discoloration.

How long does swelling last after tooth extraction?


Swelling should reduce within 10 days after the extraction. Using an ice pack on the facial areas near the extraction site would be very helpful in getting the results quickly.

How to heal gums after tooth extraction?


Keep the extraction site clean and clear from food particles / debris. After 24 hours from surgery, you can use salt-water mouthwash for gentle rinsing of the mouth but do not swish vigorously as this can disturb the natural blood clot that has formed. This process can help to aid healing of the socket faster.

How to brush teeth after tooth extraction?


Do not brush / rinse the mouth in the first 24 hours after the extraction procedure. After 1 or 2 days, avoid brushing in the area of the extraction site. Gentle wiping of the extraction site with either a wet gauze pad or a wet cloth is preferable.

Which is more painful? Tooth extraction or filling?


Tooth extraction is a more painful procedure than dental fillings. Extraction is a complete removal of the tooth whereas dental fillings are done for removal of cavities. Modern dental procedures use anesthesia to overcome painful situations.

When can I eat solid food after tooth extraction?


You can eat the regular foods after two weeks from the extraction procedure completion, provided there is no complication in eating the solid foods.