Tooth Pain FAQ

Frequently asked questions related to tooth pain.

Tooth Pain

What helps with tooth nerve pain?

  1. Applying ice in the painful area
  2. Salt water rinse
  3. Over the counter medications
  4. When you go to sleep, try elevating your head up with pillows
  5. Rinse with hydrogen peroxide
  6. Apply either a cold or warm tea bag to your tooth
  7. Chew on a piece of fresh garlic
  8. Chew on the guava leaves
  9. Apply vanilla extract to the affected area
  10. Utilize the benefits of clove
  11. Rinse your mouth with wheatgrass juice
  12. Thyme oil can be used as a rinse or applied directly to your tooth

What causes tooth pain?


Tooth pain can be caused by anything from a popcorn hull stuck in your gum to a chipped tooth or a bacterial infection. Some tooth pain may come from temporary gum irritation. But serious tooth pain needs medical treatment by a professional dentist to resolve the pain and whatever problem is causing it.

What is a sweet tooth pain?


Dentin Hypersensitivity or Sensitive Dentin is a dental condition where the teeth are sensitive and feel a sharp pain in response to certain tastes. In some cases, tooth pain occurs when consuming sweet foods. This is called sweeth tooth pain condition.

What causes sore gums around teeth?


Gum disease, improper oral hygiene or an abscess can cause sore gums around teeth.

How would the dentist stabilize a tooth after an injury?


In case of tooth injury, your tooth may be pushed sideways out of or into its socket. Root canal treatment is very much helpful in stabilizing the repositioned or dislodged teeth.

What does a bruised tooth feel like?


Bruised tooth shows common symptoms such as discoloration, inflammation, bleeding of the gums, sensitivity, persisting toothache or soreness. A patient may feel a lingering ache from the blow to the ligaments that support the affected and act as shock absorbers to cushion and protect your teeth.

How long does it take to heal a lip from tooth injury?


The healing process in the lip could range from a few days to a few weeks depending on the severity of the lip wound. If no improvement is seen within 48 hours, you may need to seek medical attention.

How to treat a tooth injury?

  1. Apply pressure to the area (if it's bleeding) with a piece of cold, wet gauze
  2. Use an ice cube to suck on to reduce swelling or hold an ice-pack wrapped in a washcloth to the cheek
  3. Use acetaminophen or ibuprofen as needed for pain
  4. Consult a dentist

How long can a bruised tooth last?


A bruised tooth can last for a few days only. Some of the symptoms of a bruised tooth include: lingering soreness and inflammation.

How long does the tooth stay sore after root canal?


Root canal treatment may cause mild pain for a few days. Following a good oral hygiene practice should ease the pain. If the pain lasts longer than three days, you may have to consult a dentist.

How to numb a sore tooth?


Apply a cold compress to the aching tooth for 10 to 15 minutes to help numb the area. If your tooth is too sensitive, you can apply the ice to the outside of your mouth near the tooth.

How to get rid of tooth pain?

  1. Apply a cold compress
  2. Take an anti-inflammatory medicine
  3. Rinse with salt water
  4. Use a hot pack
  5. Try acupressure
  6. Use peppermint tea bags
  7. Try garlic
  8. Rinse with a guava mouthwash
  9. Use clove oil
  10. Try a homemade thyme mouthwash

How to tell which tooth is causing pain?


A patient may feel some of the symptoms mentioned below:

  1. Headaches
  2. Pain while chewing with your teeth or jaw
  3. Your teeth are sensitive to heat or cold. You'll feel a couple seconds of pain when something hot or cold hits them. Sweet or acidic foods may also create issues
  4. Swelling around a tooth or swelling of your jaw
  5. Bleeding or discharge around a tooth or gums
  6. Bad breath
  7. Injury or trauma to the area
  8. Bad taste in your mouth
  9. High temperature
  10. Swollen glands

Which medicine is the best for tooth pain in pregnancy?

  • Acetaminophen
  • Benzocaine, a numbing gel
  • Cold compress (on cheek nearest tooth)
  • Salt water rinse